platform & integration validation (client)
DY.section String Section- or Site ID
DY.recommendationContext Object of Recommendation Context Array of Recommendation Context data
DY.feedProperties Object of all (whitelisted) feed properties on a PRODUCT page
DYO.otags Object of all internal and active extenal (campaigns) DY objects
User & Device (client)
DY.dyid String of User ID (if opt-in)
DY.rvCount Number of all recently viewed products / articles
DY.deviceInfo Object of the user's device by brand and type
Session (client)
DY.trafficSource String of the current session's (default) traffic source
Audiences (client)
DY.aud String of all audience IDs of the current user
DY.audienceRules Array of all targeting conditions
DY.shrAud String of shared Audiences
GEO based objects (location and weather) Array of weather forecast
DY.currentWeather Object of current user's location weather
DY.geoFields Object of the user's location by City, State (US), Country
If active consent mode is enables (privacy by default)
DYO.ActiveConsent.isUserOptOut() check if user is opt out
DYO.ActiveConsent.updateConsentAcceptedStatus(boolean) opt in/out user, true=opt in, false=opt out
DY.userActiveConsent = { accepted: true } set active consent before scripts
DYO.ActiveConsent.updateConsentAcceptedStatus(true) update consent as soon as the visitor consents
Events (client)
DY.API("event", {
  name: "EVENT_NAME",
  properties: {
    value: "[MONETARY VALUE]" // Optional
Custom Event
all Events a list of all events (client)
Useful API Calls
  function (error, data) {
get ProductData for each SKU, useful for badging, maximum 50 SKUs per Call
DY.ServerUtil.getUserAffinities(function(error, data) {
get the User's affinities
Experience API References & Real Time Filters
endpoint CHOOSE Reference CHOOSE endpoint to choose variations
endpoint PAGEVIEW Reference PAGEVIEW endpoint to report page views
endpoint EVENT Reference EVENT endpoint to report events
endpoint ENGAGEMENT Reference ENGAGEMENT endpoint to report clicks on decisions and slots
endpoint PRODUKT-RAND Reference PRODUCT-RANK endpoint to rank group_ids on PLP
Documentation Real Time Filters Documentation for arguments to apply Real Time Filters on choose requests
Recommendation Strategies
Logic Displays the most popular products based on views, additions to cart, purchases.
When / Where unknown customers, topseller buyers
Good Promotion of topsellers, 1st touchpoint product discovery
Bad global strategy, consider it a fallback strategy
Tip Only include items that match the viewed item category on PDP, only include items that match the viewed top category on categories.
Requirement none
Fallback none
Logic Displays items that are similar to a product based on Category and Keywords
When / Where Alternatives on PRODUCT
Good Focus on reference and alternatives for lower funnel
Product (Slider / Exit Intent)
Bad global-contextual strategy, consider it a fallback strategy
Tip Test this strategy against Viewed Together
Requirement Keywords (not optional for good results)
Fallback Popularity
Logic Displays items that were viewed by other users who viewed the item being viewed
When / Where Alternatives on PRODUCT
Good Focus on reference and alternatives
Product (Slider / Exit Intent)
might work better than Similarity, if you provide weak keywords
Bad global-contextual strategy, consider it a fallback strategy
Tip Test this strategy against Viewed Together
Requirement record of product detail viewed
Fallback Similarity > Popularity
Logic Displays items that other users bought with the item being viewed
When / Where Cross Selling section on PRODUCT, CART
Good increases AOV without manually set cross selling rules
Bad global-contextual strategy, recommendations may appear irrelevant without a good record of purchases
Tip Try setting a reasonable price limit
Requirement historical purchases with baskets including more than 1 product
Fallback On PRODUCT pages: Similarity > Popularity
On CART pages: Popularity